Thursday, January 24, 2013

Still NEW Beginings~Just 2 years Later~WOW

Has it really been two years?  How is that even possible?  It truly seems like yesterday we were packing up & moving to Florida and yet, here we are....settled in our home (still have those "on-going" projects) as I'm sure most do.  Matthew is fourteen, in the second semester of eighth grade, immersed in sports (soccer & basketball) and doing a great job in school (first semester all honor roll~proud mom & dad).  Mike is doing an awesome job in his new role and was promoted to Senior Manager, graduated magna cum laude from Liberty University in 2012 and very involved on the soccer board for Matthew's team.

After completing my Licensing course for CSR 4-40 for Insurance, I worked for about six months in Palm Beach Gardens for an agent, but the book of business was sold and my position did not carry over to the new agency .......but everything happens for a reason. Life and day to day activities go by sooo quickly and I thoroughly enjoy being blessed with the opportunity to be at home for Mike and Matthew, keeping everything running smoothly.  Matthew's sports schedule keeps us hopping & if you add in Mike's travel schedule it's probably a good thing I'm not working at this time.  I am still pursuing my 2-20 Agents License and of course still working in Direct Sales with Gold Canyon Candles & Thirty One gifts and I truly love both.  Working from home has so many advantages and I hope to really get my business off the ground this year.  I'm very thankful to those who have faithfully supported me!

The beginning of a New Year, the loss of several dear loved ones the last few years and turning the dreaded 5-0 has inspired me to view things a bit differently.  I've decided to pursue a healthier lifestyle by eating better, thinking & planning what I'm eating and to commit to physical activity....(see it's all in print now, have to follow through!)  I've been going to "bootcamp" and meeting with a trainer three times a week and also walking and doing zumba.....just trying to be more active.  I have to tell you I do feel much better and I can see changes taking place.  Just have to stay determined and stick with it~I've got a teenager to keep up with!

Looks like we have a busy few months ahead with soccer. Tournaments coming up, league games to finish the spring season and Matthew will probably be trying out for the Florida ODP team.  Right now he is half way through the Middle School Basketball season with only 4 or 5 games left and into the second semester of school. And before you know it, he'll have eighth grade graduation and we'll be planning high school courses (argghh).  Mike is quite busy with work and travel but truly loves his job and is so very great at what he does.  I'm so, so very proud of him.  So many told us the transition from military to civilian life is difficult and frankly, some do not do well with it, but Mike has just flourished and graduating with honors~what more can I say??  All in all, the move to Florida was not easy but it has been good for our family.  We have found a church we enjoy and Matthew is involved with the youth group and meeting lots of great kids!  We're making new friends, enjoying our neighborhood and getting more involved in our community.  Living in sunshine, warm weather and miles from the beach is always an added plus!  We are truly, truly blessed!  Here's to a New Year, new commitments and more blogging........  :) 

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