Monday, June 30, 2008


This past week was VBS at our church and Matthew, along with "the children of Israel" built a life size tabernacle!!
The children labored in the sewing tent, painted with sand, baked bread and helped construct the tabernacle. They learned what the people of Israel may have faced in their day and they learned what it is like to work without all the "modern conveniences"..especially air conditioning-temperatures stayed above 90 all week!! It didn't phase the kids though they had a blast!!
On Friday we got to attend the "feast" and view the finished tabernacle!!!
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another year has come and gone.. oh soo quickly!!

Third grade is finished!!! I just can't believe it....I know, I know every parent must go through this, but this was my "baby" on the first day of third grade....(we take a picture every year in front of our front door to show how much we've grown!!)

Yeah, he'll be over that soon........

This is my "big boy" just last month on the way to my graduation.....He has changed so much this year, grown up A LOT and even now he thinks 9 is like being 18-You know they KNOW everything at this age!.......He has so much to learn!! He has a great career ahead as a lawyer, the child can argue anything into the ground . NEWS FLASH-Yes Son-We are still the parents and YOU ARE 9 !!

It really seems like we were just starting "big boy school" yesterday, learning our A,B,C's and colors. This year we're doing that "new" math (hee hee), going to sleep overs-having a "social calendar"(all the social calendar that a nine year old boy needs to handle!!) AND hubby likes to say things like, "you know he'll get his learner's permit in about 6 years" and "just think he'll be going to the prom in 6 years"......when he attends West Point (yeah dad's kidding...I think)..........."Honey we're half way done "raising" him".... Oh goodness if that's the case, we've got LOTS of work to do!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

End of Season Soccer Party!!

The boys celebrated the end of another great season!! Thanks Coach Mark, we appreciate all you do & we look forward to the fall!! U-12 here we come!! Go Suffolk United!! Dylan & Catrina thanks again for opening your home(& pool) to the boys!! We had a great time!!