Friday, March 16, 2007

Well we've entered the world of "blogging", big step for the Goodwin's but wow what a great way to let friends and family visit. Keeping up with "happenings, pictures, events" how fun!! Have to thank my friend Kerri and actually her mom for opening up the "new world" to us. I really enjoyed seeing pictures of Kerri & Brian's new baby and realized what a joy it brought to my day and I knew our family being so far away would surely enjoy keeping up with Matthew!!


thumms said...

I love the layout! I'm calling mom right now! I love that pic of Matthew.

FarcinsFollies said...

Kerri just called me and I am so excited. I can't wait to see some soccer pictures of Matthew. I also want to see what Peyton look like. Welcome to the Blogging World. You will never be the same.

good1s said...

And I owe it all to the Farcin girls!!